Install Vinyl Siding the Right Way

Vinyl siding installation can sometimes be finicky because it has to be done the right way. Otherwise, it can allow water and pests to enter your home, which defeats the purpose of this component.

Find out how Woodbridge Home Solutions, one of the most trusted siding companies in the area, installs your siding.

Tips on Installing Vinyl Siding

Wider Starting Strip

Some homeowners choose a thinner starter strip as it is more affordable. That is a bad first move because a thin starter strip means less protection. We recommend a 3.5-inch starter strip instead, an inch of which we would let “hang” down over the top of the foundation and lay as low as we can.


The mark of an experienced siding installer is when they take time to level the siding. They can mark the base of your home with a chalk line to help keep things aligned.

Flashing the Bottom Corners of the Windows

Another piece of advice from siding and window replacement expert, Woodbridge Home Solutions, is to flash the bottom corners of all windows before starting with the installation. The way we work is that we attach small pieces of roofing paper that would fit on the corners of the window and keep it in place using roofing nails. This will prevent water from going behind the J-channels and rotting the window frames.


Spacers are important for quality vinyl siding because they expand during the warmer season, causing it to move or buckle. For this aspect of the installation, we cut the end pieces, keeping a fourth of an inch of extra space on both ends of the siding runs.

Use a Vinyl Blade

At Woodbridge Home Solutions, we don’t use an ordinary fine-toothed saw blade to cut siding panels. We use a special vinyl blade for smoother cuts and less chipping.

Lift and Nail

In this phase, we pull each piece as we nail it to prevent the entire siding panel from falling apart. Lifting the vinyl as you’re nailing also creates a strong bond between the sections of the siding.

Use the Right Nails

Finally, we use galvanized roofing nails to keep the siding in place. This is because galvanized nails resist rust, which would corrode non-galvanized nails during bad weather. Most siding companies use nails at least two inches long, but if the siding is going on top of the rigid foam and not right up against sheathing, we might use longer ones.

Without proper installation, you won’t be able to maximize the use of your vinyl siding. Woodbridge Home Solutions, experts in replacement windows and siding installation guarantees durability, beauty, and energy efficiency. Contact us today to learn more about how we can install your siding. Our team serves homeowners in Arlington, Levelland, and Waco, TX.

Categories: Siding